News | 11.09.2019

In November 2018 Gidon Kremer and Kremerata Baltica joined forces with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra to perform and record Symphony No.21 by Mieczysław Weinberg. Led by the CBSO’s chief conductor Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla and the soloist Gidon Kremer, it was a performance that is impossible to forget and became one of our highlights of 2018. In December, we traveled to Vilnius where we recorded Weinberg’s early Symphony No.2 under the baton of Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla. Our concertmaster Džeraldas Bidva, and leaders Dainius Puodžiukas, Kristina Anusevičiūtė and Giedrė Dirvanauskaitė performed the solo parts in this symphony. In May 2019, our double CD album was released on the Deutsche Grammophon label featuring Weinberg’s Symphonies Nos. 2 and 21 to a great critical acclaim. This CD is marking an important milestone in bringing the historical justice to the composer who was unfairly underestimated for many years and that now takes his rightful place alongside of Shostakovitch and Prokofiev as one of the most important composers of the 20th century. Together with our artistic leader Gidon Kremer, we are proud to be among some of the foremost advocates of his music.
Here we gathered some of the reviews about our newest CD. You can read the full articles by clicking on the quotes.